Holy Bible
Sep 13

Resource 7: Bible Hub

Another resource available for students of the scriptures is the website Biblehub.com. BibleHub is a massive site with lots of resources available on it. In the upcoming October 2020 release of Scripture Notes, this will be one of the resources automatically linked to from all Bible verses so you have one-click access to a powerful […]

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spiritual preparedness
Sep 06

The Time for Guided Spiritual Preparation is Now

About twenty years ago, the Lord led me to an old conference talk by then Elder Ezra Taft Benson. It changed my life. It was from April 1965 entitled, “Not Commanded In All Things.” It struck me at a time when I really needed that message to look beyond myself and get anxiously engaged in […]

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broken heart and a contrite spirit
Aug 30

What is it to have a Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit

Years ago while serving on my mission I recall one night in companion prayer asking the Lord to let us have broken hearts and contrite spirits. When I finished the prayer my companion said, “what is a broken heart and a contrite spirit.” I did my best as a 19 year old to suggest what […]

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Prayer circle
Aug 23

The New Family Prayer Circle

One of the great blessings of the pandemic lockdown for many families has been the direction to have church at home. This hasn’t diminished the desire to be with others, but it has created new opportunities for family closeness in ways I hadn’t foreseen. A friend recently reminded me of President Nelson’s talk announcing home-centered […]

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Stirred up
Aug 09

Are you stirred up? Is your heart at war or peace?

Have you ever been emotionally charged about something? A good, vigorous indignation, maybe over someone folding your laundry wrong or burning the green beans and setting off the fire alarm? Well who hasn’t gotten upset about something trivial and meaningless? It’s human nature (the natural man) to do so. The purpose of mortality in a […]

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Children of Light
Aug 02

Our Duty as Children of Light

Jesus called his followers the “children of light” (Luke 16:8). Using this phrase, the apostle Paul wrote (1 Thessalonians 5): 5. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us […]

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Scripture Study Techniques 11 - Lists and Patterns
Jul 26

Scripture Study Technique 11 – Lists and Patterns

Have you ever noticed how many lists there are in the scriptures? Sometimes a list is just a few items in a single verse. Other lists have many items scattered throughout the scriptures which require searching them out to create the list. I inherited a book from my father called Wilmington’s Book of Bible Lists. […]

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Deductive and Inductive Scripture Study Techniques
Jul 19

Scripture Study Technique 10: Deductive & Inductive Study

This is part 10 of our continuing series on scripture study techniques. Watch or read for information on the deductive and inductive methods of studying the scriptures. Some years ago, I attended a church meeting where a Sunday School teacher said, “now nobody quote me on this, but I think baptism is required for salvation.” […]

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Chains of Hell
Jun 28

What are the Chains of Hell Mentioned in Scripture?

Do the Chains of Hell Bind You? Over and over in the scriptures we see instances where a single verse sheds extra light on all the other verses that share a word or phrase. I like to call these scriptural Easter eggs because they are a delight to find and often hidden in plain sight. […]

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