Isaiah's 30 End-time Events with Dr. Avraham Gileadi
Sep 04

Isaiah’s 30 End-time Events

At some point in your life, you must commit to getting familiar with the book of Isaiah and his prophecy. In fact, we have been commanded to by the Lord (3 Nephi 20:11; 23:1; Mormon 8:23). Avraham Gileadi is the most qualified teacher to lead you through that process. He has created an amazing set […]

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How to Share Notes With Others in Scripture Notes
Aug 31

How to share notes with others using Scripture Notes

Our newest feature is available for use. Now you can share collection notes with others AND learn from all the cool things others are studying. Watch this video to see how easy this feature is to use, and if you haven’t started using Scripture Notes, start today with a free trial and see how you […]

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Sober young man
Aug 13

What does it mean to be sober minded?

In the book of Mormon, within the Book of Mormon, the ten year-old boy named Mormon was approached by the prophet Ammaron. Mormon was just receiving his education in the ways and language of his people, but Ammaron saw something special about this child. He approached the young child and said: “I perceive that thou […]

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Jonathan Neville - How Joseph translated the engravings
Aug 01

Jonathan Neville – How Joseph Translated the Engravings

Following up on Jonathan’s last webinar entitled “Restoring Translation to the Restoration,” we present part 2, How Joseph Translated the Engravings. This webinar (8/13/23) provides fascinating research Jonathan has done into the writings of Jonathan Edwards and how influential this person was in Joseph’s language. Don’t miss this webinar. Bio: Jonathan Neville is a retired […]

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A Quick Word Study Refuge
Jul 31

A Quick Word Study – Refuge

At church today, the statement was made that the temple is a refuge. I immediately opened up my Scripture Notes mobile app and did a search for the word and started to dig into it a little. I came home and continued and thought it would be useful to show how to do this. Using […]

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Unclogging the Soul with Spiritual Draino
Jul 26

Unclogging the Soul with Spiritual Draino

Last week I had to unclog a tub drain and it got me to thinking about spiritual clogs that stop the flow of the Spirit of God in our lives. I soon noticed a verse in the scriptures talking about hardened hearts and blind minds and it made me realize what some of these clogs […]

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20 Missions of Heavenly Father
Jul 16

20 Roles and Missions of Heavenly Father

As in the past posts on roles and missions of the Holy Ghost, and Jesus Christ, this short presentation lightly covers unique roles and missions of our Heavenly Father as found in the scriptures. Because I categorized certain things together, the figure 20 is loose because sometimes multiple different things are part of one category […]

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