Topic: How to “Consider Yourself as…Adam or Eve”: Understanding the Temple’s Template of Spiritual Development
In the temple, we are instructed to “consider [ourselves] respectively as if we are Adam or Eve.” While there is a tendency to view this as only being applicable when we participate in the temple endowment, Meghan Farner believes that it is actually a “persistent admonition” and one that should define the lives of all disciples of Jesus Christ.
In this discussion, we will meet with Meghan to discuss principles from her book, “Consider Yourself as Eve: A Guide to Spiritual Development for Women (and the Men Who Love Them.)”
Topics will include:
Meghan Farner is the host of the Latter-day Disciples Podcast and a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ. Her favorite thing in the world is deep doctrinal conversations, particular as they relate to becoming spiritually prepared to receive the Lord. Meghan openly advocates the practice of fearlessly seeking truth out of all places the spirit may lead, while being immovably grounded in Jesus Christ. Her background in business, communications, psychology, and human relations, along with her personal studies of scripture + apocrypha, ancient history, and other faith traditions, make her a renaissance woman and an engaging hostess and presenter. Recently, Meghan has felt guided to explore the historicity and theology of the Divine Feminine, including how women can know and experience Heavenly Mother by learning to know themselves. Meghan and her family live in East Idaho.
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How do I buy her book?