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Compare Scripture Notes to Gospel Library

​Comparison Table: Gospel Library vs. Scripture Notes

Want to see what makes this app different from the Gospel Library app provided by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? Here you go:

FeatureGospel LibraryScripture Notes
Free Edition
Scripture Notes
Pro Edition
2013 Edition LDS Scriptures
2013 Edition Study Helps
Partial: More coming soonPartial: More coming soon
Read & Markup verses
Tag Verses
Tag & categorize collections of verses (create your own topical guide)
Write verse notes
Hide/reveal all verse notes while reading verses
Search scriptures
Powerful Boolean searches with wildcards
Search footnotes
Search verse notes
Search collection notes
Prefilter books to search in (Specify Work/Book level, New Testament, Isaiah, etc...)
See search results in context (add prev/next verses)
Remove irrelevant search results
Mark up verses in search results
Save modified search results to a collection
Drag & drop verses to a collection
Create master notes for collections of verses (ie. study a topic and write about it)
Print reports including verses & notes from reading views, search views, and collection notes.
Reading plans
History of chapters read, searches performed, collections created.
Rabbit hole mode (dig deep and never lose your place)
Mobile appBeta 0.8 Available
Beta 0.8 Available
Utilize the full width of your browser screen(s) and beyond
Drag and drop content panes to facilitate your study session
Actually compare chapters that say "compare"
View full verses in the Topical Guide
Create topical quote collections not tied to versesLimited Notebook Feature
Notes sync across all open panes & browser tabsCan't open multiple notes in a single browser tab
Integrated Come Follow Me Podcasts
Ancient Texts (Apocrypha, etc...)
1-Click to 28 Bible translations
1-Click to Hebrew/Greek meanings of Bible verses
1-Click to access the LDS Citation Index*

*The LDS Citation Index is a project that contains all the recorded official discourses of latter-day General Authorities in a reverse index so you can look for a single verse reference and find all the statements made about that verse.

Note: Scripture Notes is not intended to replace the Gospel Library from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is meant to be a primary platform for superior studying and searching the scriptures, with many enhancements. As we grow, new features will be available that showcase this difference even more. Scripture study will never be the same.

(Featured image from Orlando Rosu

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