When will Scripture Notes do/have ….?
General Conference Talks: The church has not yet licensed any non-church owned entity this content. We will soon be working on a browser plugin that lets you access Scripture Notes in a side pane while working on any website such as a conference talk, until the time they do make this available.
We have over 60 more items on our roadmap, some simple, others huge. This app is already the best scripture study and revelation tool publicly available and it’s just going to keep getting better.
Your financial support will help us bring you the tools you’ve been craving but didn’t even know you wanted till you see them in action. Please subscribe and then spread the word. The faster we grow, the faster you get the tools and content you want.
What platforms does Scripture Notes support?
Scripture Notes runs in a browser so any operating system can access it.
We also have mobile apps which have a reduced feature set, but are very powerful.
In the future we will have native tablet apps but for now, the best experience is probably downloading the mobile app to your tablet.
How do I cancel my membership?
Just log into Scripture Notes, and in your dashboard click Account Settings, then you’ll see a link to cancel your membership.
How do I reactivate my membership if I cancelled it?
Log into Scripture Notes, and in your dashboard click Account Settings, then click a subscription option.
Why are you charging for the scriptures?
We are not charging for the scriptures. We are charging for an interface into the scriptures that greatly enhances your study of the scriptures. In fact, once you sign up for the free trial, if you don’t want to support continued development, just cancel the trial in your account settings and you’ll be on a free version that gives you access to some awesome tools to still enhance your study. We hope you will subscribe and support the growth and development of the tool to gain greater functionality for everyone.
Some of my app frames aren’t loading right, or I have have a spinning icon in the pane. Why?
A new version of the software may have been loaded and your browser is in conflict with it due to not exiting from the app for some time. Just log out and log back in. If you experience any other problems, contact support.
What’s your plan to protect my note data? How do I know you’ll be around in 5 years?
Great question. There’s another LDS notes app that worked for a few years and shut down. Our app is different. First, we licensed our content directly from the LDS church and additional content will be coming from both the public domain and from publishers. In other words, we won’t have a copyright issue. Second, we charge a subscription. This means we keep the lights on and keep developing. Third, we will be developing both local apps, and export routines, so you’ll be able to have a way to get your data stored on your own devices. Fourth, as soon as we establish a large enough user base, we will have extra backup routines in place to ensure there are no data storage problems.
How do I export my notes?
- At the top of each pane is a report button that exports to html which you can copy/paste to Word, or save to a PDF file.
- In the future there will be 2 more export routines.
- Straight dump of 100% of your notes to a file.
- Beautifully formatted pdf of your notes that you could send to an online printer to get hardbound books if you wanted (or just keep/share the pdf).
What content is in the Scripture Notes library?
Check out https://scripturenotes.com/library.
Is there a better tool to scroll side-to-side with? YES
If you are on a laptop or have a touchpad device that supports side to side scrolling, your life in Scripture Notes feels like bliss. If you’re using a mouse and hate grabbing the horizontal slider or using the scroll buttons on the left menu, do yourself a favor and invest in a decent trackpad. You must find one that supports two finger horizontal scrolling though. Not all trackpads do.
You do not have to replace your mouse with a trackpad. I have my mouse on the right side of my keyboard, and my trackpad on the left. That way I can have precision clicking with my mouse, but use my left hand for better controlled and faster side-to-side scrolling.
For Windows users, I recommend this trackpad (I tried cheaper and was disappointed twice before getting this one): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D44MVC5/ref=sspa_dk_detail_3
For Mac users, you have more expensive options with the Trackpad mouse or regular trackpad. If one of you Mac users wants to suggest a low cost trackpad that works well, I’ll post it here.
Linux users: also let me know if you find one and I’ll post it here for others.
Other tools that may come in really handy for you:
GOM Player: This is the media player I use in Windows to play podcasts at higher than normal speed. It’s really a great player and the pro version is just $15. You can get a free version if you want to put up with ads.
Smart Audiobook Player: When I put non-Audible books and other podcasts on my Android phone, this is the best app I’ve found. It supports speed control and has intelligent pause/play functions so if you restart your audio after a very short break, it’ll back up the audio just a few seconds. If it’s been a long break, it backs up a little longer so you restart and get a sense of context remembering where you started. There’s no better app and it’s free and only a couple bucks for the pro functions.
On a Mac using Quicktime, you can speed up the audio playback by holding the option key down and pressing the right and left double arrow icons in the player. I don’t have a great recommendation for an iPhone audio player that gives you speed control. If someone has a recommendation let me know and I’ll add it here.
How do I perform better searches in Scripture Notes?
Check out the search cheat sheet.
Are there some awesome scripture study resources I can use?
Yes, check out these LDS Scripture Study Resources
Don’t see your question answered? Contact us and ask away.