Here are some fantastic LDS scripture study aids available to aid you in getting the most out of your study. You can get these tools sent to you one per week on our Resource email list, or access them below. I recommend the emails so you learn about one new resource per week and can incorporate it into your study methodically, but it’s up to you. If you sign up for a Scripture Notes account, right after the tutorial emails complete, you’ll automatically be subscribed to the resources email list.
Master Resource List
LDS Scripture Study Aids from the Church
The scripture resources available from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are primary tools for getting help with the scriptures. The church has a lot of great tools available such as the Bible dictionary, topical guide (which you can create a lot of by searching in Scripture Notes), and other helps. You can access them here:
These tools are all coming to Scripture Notes as well but in a much better interface to facilitate study. We’ve already added some of them and it’s a huge step up.
Free Resources (these are included on the resource emails after you sign up for Scripture Notes)
- Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary – A fantastic dictionary for understanding the meaning of words in the scriptures
- Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible – Covers and briefly mentions
- LDS Citation Index – A project at BYU that shows you all authoritative quotes related to every verse in the scriptures.
- Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible – The prophet’s inspired translation which corrects and/or enhances many verses in the Bible
- Search engines – the internet is an amazing place with tons of resources and insights we can find.
- Isaiah Explained – Dr. Avraham Gileadi’s excellent site for understanding Isaiah.
- – a great resource for seeing other translations of the Bible as well as various Christian commentaries
Got another great outside resource people can use to study the scriptures? Share it with me and I’ll consider adding it to this list.
LDS Scripture Study
A Methodology of Study
In another post on this site, I discuss how to study the scriptures more effectively. This infographic describes the process. Click the link to get an in-depth look at how it works, but in short, all study begins with selecting your topic or section of scripture you are reading. Then when you encounter words you don’t understand, you seek understanding about the definitions. You might then search the scriptures for other times where that term is used. Then you start analyzing the verse or topic, asking some brainstorming questions. Writing these down is important. Scripture Notes makes this a transformative process by changing the way you think about the scriptures with note fields by every verse. Then you can start to do deeper research into the topic on a variety of areas depending on what you’re studying. You weigh the authority of the content you’ve discovered, and then record your thoughts to cement your learning. There is no better tool for doing deep research on the scriptures than Scripture Notes for LDS scripture study.
Topical Study
Another way to approach your study is with a Topical Guide. Having a massive resource of scriptures organized by topic is a very powerful way to study the scriptures. This article on studying the topical guide shows how a person moves from reading verses, to studying them, to finding unique themes within the topic. Once you do that, you move to the next related topic and it just deepens and broadens your understanding of both topics. The more you do this, the deeper and broader your knowledge goes. Taking President Nelson’s challenge to members of the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints to study all the topics on Jesus Christ, will help form a solid understanding about his pre-mortal, mortal, and post-mortal missions. It’s a powerful LDS scripture study tool.
Scripture Study Techniques
Another free resource is the video series on scripture study techniques which you can find on our YouTube channel. You can also access them from our site through our category page. Start at the end which is the oldest content and then move forward. There are articles on marking your scriptures, storing quotes, and much more.
Free E-Book
You can also get this free e-book when you sign up for a free trial of Scripture Notes. The free version of Scripture Notes is more powerful than any other LDS scripture study software, and with coming features, it’s going to be even more amazing.