10x Your Scripture Study

Mar 09
10x Your Scripture Study

Want to revolutionize your scripture study? Using the Scripture Notes system will transform your life and help you 10x your efforts. Watch the webinar below and you’ll see why we say this.

I use Scripture Notes every day. It’s incredibly easy to use and the tools that it provides me have been a great blessing to feasting on the word of God. I struggle with other tools because I have now become dependent on the notes I’ve made next to each scripture, the extensive collection notes I’ve been able to make, the powerful search engine, and the links, OH THE LINKS, they make it so easy to jump into the Citation Index (which always sends me down wonderful rabbit holes chasing a gospel theme I didn’t even know I needed to chase), to Bible Hub and the Blue Letter Bible both of which are phenomenal resources I’ve used before but Scripture Notes makes getting there so easy. I love what you’ve done here Oak and so grateful for the blessing it’s been in my life. Now I just need to be able to download all my personal stuff so that I never lose access to it.

David Gilson

Watch our webinar replay below where I share a method of how to deepen your approach to studying the scriptures using Scripture Notes. You’ll be glad you watched. Here are a few comments from those that attended.

“I had been receiving Scripture Notes email, but this was the first webinar I had attended and I was amazed at how much Scripture Notes has grown!! Oh my goodness!! I am really excited about it and have now registered and will begin exploring it!” -B.S.


“I can’t wait to study Isaiah. With what you showed me, we ought to become Isaiah wizards! So exciting! Next I want to study all the Jesus categories like the prophet suggested. Thanks for following your inspiration and creating this for the world.” -H.H.


“Thank you SO MUCH for the EXCELLENT webinar. I would LOVE to see MORE. The entire presentation was well laid out. The slide show was perfect; loved all the graphics. You explained everything with precision. My husband kept saying, “I didn’t know I could do that.” He was VERY impressed. Love the ? that links to the Topics and Resources.” -S.B.


“Thank you for a very informative presentation Oak. The biggest take away for me were the examples shown of using the search engines. I will however need to go over it again a couple of times so I can take it all in. What wonderful progression you have made. I would have to say that using Scripture Notes with study is one of my favorite pastimes now. I love the gospel, and Scripture Notes has enabled me to get so much more out of it, and I have a long way to go yet.” -L.S.

Please watch and share. (Also note: This webinar is from March 2021. Much has been added to Scripture Notes since then to further enhance it. For a quick look at what’s new as of January 2023, watch this link: https://scripturenotes.com/what-can-scripture-notes-do)

Don’t wait another day to increase revelation from your scripture study. Sign up today for a free trial.


Click this link to download a PDF copy of the study model used in the presentation.

How to study the scriptures more effectively infographic

About the Author

Oak Norton - Just trying to share a love of the scriptures with others.
