Author David Hocking Webinar on Ancient Texts that Testify

Oct 25
David Hocking webinar

Please enjoy David’s presentation below entitled: “Why I Annotate Sacred Texts and How They Testify that Joseph Smith is a Revealer of Ancient Texts”.

David is the author of the 4 volume annotated series sold by Digital Legend publishing, comprising the:

  • 4 volume annotated set by David HockingAnnotated Book of Mormon
  • Annotated Book of Isaiah
  • Annotated Book of Enoch
  • Annotated Book of Jasher

With tens of thousands of copies sold, and additional titles in the works, David will share information specifically on the books of Jasher and Enoch and point out some fascinating parallels to modern day scripture. This is going to be a really fascinating peek at ancient texts which are referenced in modern day scripture and have only been found in these latter days.



David Hocking was born and raised in Cape Cod, MA.
1969-1971 BYU: A.S. Electronics Engineering
Young Ambassadors – Guitarist (Western Canada Tour, Pacific Northwest Tour)
1971-1973 England South Mission
Family Portrait Singers – over 150 concerts
1973-1975 BYU: B.S. Microbiology/Chemistry
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX – Virology Researcher
1976-2018 Career in the Biotech Industry (Biochemistry, Immunology, Cell Biology, Hemoglobinopathies)
Author of a book of Hemoglobin Disorders used in Newborn Screening Labs throughout the world


About the Author

Oak Norton - Just trying to share a love of the scriptures with others.

  • Bruce Lloyd says:

    David is a scriptural Rock Star! He is still a world renown Hemoglobin Disorders expert in spite of the fact he has been away from that field for quite a few years. I’ll be travelling to Montrose, Iowa about the time of the webinar to conduct Heartland Research. Please record it.

  • Mark says:

    How do we join this webinar?

    • Oak Norton says:

      Mark, near the top of this post is a small webform. Just fill that out and you’ll be on the list to get the link.

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