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Training Program

Complete Your Training, You Must

Scripture Notes is a pretty simple tool, with really incredible power. To help you get the most of it, I’ve set up training videos in the app, and tutorials and resource emails to teach you how to utilize the system in various ways and have a knowledge of where and how to look for additional insights.

When you start off with Scripture Notes, you’ll be subscribed to get the tutorial emails which arrive every 3 days for 2 weeks.

You can always access the tutorials and resources from this page and do them at your own pace. Don’t unsubscribe from this list or you’ll miss being automatically subscribed to the resources and study topics lists. These emails are good reminders to study your scriptures (using Scripture Notes) and build your skills using this amazing software. Doing so will transform your scripture study. As you quickly master the interface, you’ll never want to study the scriptures again without using Scripture Notes.

After the tutorials, you’ll be subscribed to the resources list which sends you 1 email a week on Fridays for 6 weeks and teaches you how to access resources integrated into Scripture Notes but exist on outside sites, like Hebrew/Greek definitions from Strong’s concordance on, and much more.

Lastly, you’ll be subscribed to a long-term study projects email list where you’ll get 1 email a week starting with topic #1 and these come on Wednesdays. This list is part blog, part how to study in the scriptures. I recommend you stay on this list at least just to get ideas and see techniques for studying.

If you’re really passionate about scripture study, you can also sign up on the site for new study topics to be sent to you on Sundays.

If you do both old and new study topic lists, eventually they will overlap and you’ll be able to stop the Wednesday list because you’ll be current. Or you can just do the Wednesday list forever.

These are offered as a way to help you dig deeper into the scriptures by showing you resources and further training you on how to master Scripture Notes and develop study techniques.

You’re also welcome to unsubscribe at any time because it’s your life and if you don’t want me in it, I’ll understand. Just as long as you tell all your friends about this awesome program!

If for some reason you unsubscribed from tutorials or resource emails but want access to them, you can access them all by clicking here.

If you got unsubscribed from the Wednesday study topics list and want to get back on it, click here.

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