How to Keep a Journal in Scripture Notes – New

Mar 19

New feature: You now have the ability to keep a journal in Scripture Notes.

This might just be a spiritual journal you use to record your experiences in each day, or your full journal.

What’s really cool is in keeping your journal this way, you can tie your experiences to scriptures if you want, collection note style, so in the future, say when you are giving a talk, you can easily find those experiences in multiple ways to consider sharing.

Here’s how it works.

1) Create a new collection note.

This can be done from a verse that relates to your journal entry, either from an experience you had that day studying it, or something that relates to the story you are writing about.

The fastest way to do this is to click on the collection list icon on the left to open the collection note pane. Then click Create CN.Create a CN

2) Name, tag, and categorize it and set the date field (defaults to today’s date)

CN header

Tags are optional but if you use them you’ll have extra ways to locate this journal entry in the future.

You can title your journal entry whatever you want including just “Journal” but what you really need to do is select “Journal Entry” for the category.

Select journal entry

3) Now type your journal entry in the master note area and save/update your entry.

Optionally, you can add related verses to your journal entry by dragging them into the area at the bottom of the collection note.

4) Now later when you want to access your journal entries, there are multiple ways to locate them.

  • You can open the search pane and search for text inside a journal entry note.
  • You can open the tag tree and go to a topic you believe you tagged it with
  • And now, we’ve added extra filters on the master Collections list pane. You can now choose various sort orders, and filter for tags and/or categories. For all your journal entries, just just filter the category by journal entry and up will pop all your journal entries in the list below it.

Journal filter

In the future, we will be adding the ability to export your journal (or any other category or tag list or even the whole set of collection notes) shown in this view to a master document in PDF or Word doc format. I know many of you are concerned about getting data out of Scripture Notes so you never lose it, and I am very mindful of this. More features to come.


(Featured photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash)


About the Author

Oak Norton - Just trying to share a love of the scriptures with others.

  • Rick Bulow says:

    Thanks, Oak! I noticed that I could file one colection note into many categories, so this will be conducive as I have many thoughts all jumbled as I study, including journaling my thoughts on a specific verse I have in the CN, so instead of having one journal specifically for journal thoughts on the scripture I can categorize it as (for example) “Journal Entry” AND “Meeting Notes”

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