Going Down the Rabbit Hole

As one begins a study of the scriptures, there is a phrase that I think describes the experience very well. “Going down the rabbit hole.” This is an allusion to the classic work “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. In essence, the meaning is to enter an unknown world on a journey. It’s also interesting because rabbit holes on the surface of the ground are a little deceptive. We can’t see underground, but if we could, we would find that some rabbit “holes” go as deep as 10 feet underground and span 150 feet wide. What’s seen on the surface doesn’t reflect what’s under the surface and I think this is a powerful symbol of studying the scriptures.

When you take up a study of the scriptures, we all start in a period that requires foundation laying. We have to learn what the major works of scripture are and what books they contain. We have to put up some framing and understand a little about the authors of the books. Then we need to put on walls and a roof and come to understand the stories they contain. Once we have the house framed and boarded, and we begin a serious examination of the house, we soon discover it seems to have been made of magical components.

New Discoveries

A section of wall might open in the moment we are examining it and reveal a secret passage to another part of the house. We might enter into the dining area and suddenly discover our table settings for two now contain an enlarged table with a seven-course meal fit for a neighborhood. We might open the attic door to find ourselves staring into the cosmos and gazing upon the secrets of the universe. Or truly stepping through the wardrobe into a whole new world.

This is going down the rabbit hole, where the rabbit is the Spirit of the Lord. We think we understand the house, until we see things in a whole new way. The familiar becomes unfamiliar, and the unfamiliar soon becomes familiar. Those who never explore the house and look closely, don’t see what an incredible job the carpenter did in constructing it. Yet he’s so willing to guide us through the house, room by room revealing the secrets of this home, till we finally realize, this home is truly a mansion, and he’s given us the keys to come any time we desire.

Magical looking cottage

Each reading of the scriptures can reveal things we didn’t see the last time we read them. The same passages we’ve read a hundred times suddenly take on new meaning because of a new truth we discovered. A single word that stands out to us while reading a chapter, may, upon close examination, take us on a marvelous journey of exploration into a world we didn’t know existed.

Worlds of knowledge can open up to us that edify and enlarge our hearts. We discover Wonder-land really exists, but where the King is kind, the friends we meet are the very best of all friends, and we cherish every moment we enjoy in this realm.


  • Actually when I had described me running into rabbit holes all the time I actually was trying to relate to my heart break because every time that I would get a leading of the spirit I would in faith just blindly go and do whatever it was that I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to do and only to find out nothing transpired are manifested and me doing what it was that I felt called to do intern leaving me once again heartbroken do you have any suggestions why this would happen?

    • Kathie, I have also experienced exactly what you are saying many times. Far more than finding gems. However, I don’t look at it as a waste of time but as an exercise in navigating the scriptures and seeking. I don’t know if you have done some of the study topics on this site, but they are designed to help people learn to find interesting things for themselves. The more careful we become in our reading, the more able we are to spot unique things. With Scripture Notes, it becomes easier to go down a rabbit hole quickly and then if nothing is discovered, keep moving forward. It accelerates the process. I wish I could go down rabbit holes every day and find cool stuff, but I have to be content to do the “work” of studying and archiving and hope that those gems pop up. One thing that helps is writing everything you can about verses as you read them. Try to put them in your own words like you are teaching someone. Summarize verses and make lists. Look for patterns. Create your own project like I demonstrate in tip video 8 on diagrams (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX94ZosX0F4), or searching for If/Then statements (full presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=486ElbLvRfU, short setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMM9WbAeIZo). There’s really so much there to explore. Just pick a topic and go for it.

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