After posting the last video with Dave Butler on “Approaches to Scripture Study,” someone commented on YouTube that they were disappointed we didn’t dive deeper into one of the verses we were discussing in 2 Enoch 30 and to show how we would go about studying it using Scripture Notes. So last night we got together and did a study session on these verses that neither of us was familiar with. We believe this is valuable to not only see how you can use Scripture Notes for research, but also some methodology for anyone to research in the scriptures.
Though I didn’t pop this up during the event, one of the pages on this website does outline a methodology for studying the scriptures and how to go deeper. You can check it out here:
Here is the video. I hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment on anything else you’d like to see.
In the Language of Adam with Dave Butler
Scripture Notes Study Session Utilizing AI
Using A.I. to Study the Scriptures
How to Consider Yourself as Adam or Eve – Webinar with Meghan Farner
What can you do with an AI scripture research assistant?
Your Neck, That it May Bear Up Your Head Properly
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