Kris Kimball on Traditions of Christ in Ancient Britain

May 29
Kris Kimball Traditions of Christ in Ancient Britain

What happened to Jesus between the ages of 12-30? The Bible is silent on this time frame, but other sources record possible travels of Christ. What do we know from traditions, including the most persistent one that Jesus was in Ancient Britain. We will also look at other traditions of Jesus and what happened to his family after he was crucified.

Bio: Kris Kimball is married with 3 adult children and 6 grandchildren. Kris studied at Utah State University, the University of Utah and at Cambridge University. She is co-host of the “Liberty Mom Podcast” part of the Loving Liberty Radio Network. Kris is also a guest panelist on “Inside Utah Politics” on

Additionally, she is the former President of the United Women’s Forum and former Board Member of the Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Studies. Kris loves to travel, seek truth and to explore history in person. She has spent the last 7 years studying ancient history, ancient religion and the Egyptian Hermetic Traditions. She and her husband Dave reside in Salt Lake City, Utah. Legacy Tours and Travel, LLC a partnership of Mark and Jill Clifford and Kris Kimball. Travel with Kris this year to England in the spring and Egypt in the Fall.

Additional Books with Research about Christ in Ancient Britain

  • Drama of the Lost Disciples; Jowett
  • Traditions of Glastonbury; Capt
  • The Templars and the Grail; Karen Ralls
  • Glastonbury. Myth and Archeology; Ratz and Watts The Star Temple of Avalon; Mann and Glasson
  • The Isle of Avalon; Mann
  • In the Isles of the Sea; William Walker

About the Author

Oak Norton - Just trying to share a love of the scriptures with others.

  • A few years ago I became enthralled by the statement that Joseph Smith made near the end of his life. He stated that if he told people who he truly was they would seek to kill him and cry blasphemy. I wrote a paper on Jesus in England and how his great uncle Joseph of Arimethea was owner of tin mines and his great nephew Jesus traveled to England with him numerous times. It was an exciting undertaking and I am eager to listen to the presenter to see if she is following the same line as my thinking. The connection between the tribe of Ephraim, early converts to the restored gospel from England, and Jesus in England is intriguing. I look forward to the presentation.

  • Neil Schultz says:

    Good stuff!

  • I understand Jesus was in Wales, also. In The Life of Heber C. Kimball you will read that Joseph Smith was a direct descendant of Jesus Christ. When I read it I was impressed that Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball were also descendants. “Self-same blood”.
    Heber C. Kimball is my great grandfather through his last wife; Mary Smithies, the first child blessed in England. Thank you for the webinar.

  • a j reid says:

    i do think the location of mariancumer is key to understanding the role that was and that will be played by u k and Egypt

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